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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Grey Logs Property

Property Description

The Grey Logs Property has been a property of highest interest for the South Carolina Grey LogsState Park Service for several years. The property was split into 8 parcels almost a decade ago containing 6 residential lots. State Parks and conservation interests have been hoping to recombine those lots into one property and add that property to Caesar's Head State Park. This property will allow the State Park Service to add a parking lot to the property which in turn accomplishes several conservation goals:

  • Safety - the current parking lot for the hiking trails in the area is limited to less than 20 cars. On busy weekends at Caesar's Head the parking lot fills leading to cars parking on both sides of Highway 276, presenting significant safety concerns for the public and the Park.
  • Habitat Protection - decades ago the current trail heading towards Jones Gap from the current parking lot was placed in an area with many Threatened and Endangered Species. The trail will be re-routed to the new parking lot, preserving the area of T&E species. The old trail would be closed further protecting at least one species that is known in no other place.
  • Better Access - A larger parking area would allow for better access to the entire Mountain Bridge especially for hikers and backpackers. The western side of Jones Gap State Park would especially benefit from having better trail access.

Property Map

A map for the Grey Logs Property has been provided in Google Map format.