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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Woodbury Tract

Property Description

This tract, exceptional in size and natural resources, is situated between Woodburythe Great Pee Dee and Little Pee Dee Rivers. There are 38 miles of river frontage and the entire tract is open to the public. The purchase of this land was a collaborative effort from the Conservation Bank, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), The Nature Conservancy, and The Conservation Fund with DNR holding the final title to the land. The Great Pee Dee River has been designated a State Scenic River and the area is dominated by hardwood floodplain forests. There are at least a dozen Carolina Bays on the property. DNR will manage the area as a Wildlife Management Area for hunting, fishing and bird watching. The protection of this land enhances the recovery efforts of the Robust Redhorse. The preservation of the floodplains on this site will also aide in flood control, sediment filtration and preserve the drinking water supply for nearby Myrtle Beach. The Woodbury Tract is the type of land the Conservation Bank envisioned protecting when it was first set up.

Property Map

A map for the Woodbury Tract has been provided in Google Map format.  

Additional Information

For additional information regarding Woodbury Tract, visit SCDNR's webpage.

Property Photos

Woodbury Woodbury

Woodbury Woodbury