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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Mike and Tina Comalander Tracts

Property Description

The Mike and Tina Comalander Tract is manages for wildlife, agriculture and forestry Mike and Tinawith a diversity of habitats, including planted pin stands, pine hardwood forest, cove hardwood forest, piedmont bottomland hardwood riverine forest, and food plots of cultivated or grass cropland fields. Healthy populations of all major game species in South Carolina, including white-tailed deer, wild turkey, waterfowl, and small game occur here. Also present are species of furbearers such as otter, beaver, bobcat, mink, skunk, raccoon, fox and black bear. The bottom lands along Storm Creek and other small intermittent streams that feed Storm Creek may be home to wood ducks and to a lesser extent wading birds such as herons and egrets. During the dry periods along those streams one may see or hear quail, turkey, whip-poor-will and chuck-wills-widow.

Property Map

A map for the Mike and Tina Comalander Tract has been provided in Google Map format.